DFV Wine Cellars is now available for rental! 太豐行私人酒窖現可供租賃!

DFV Wine Cellars Entry
DFV Wine Cellars Entry
Different size of lockers and cellars are available at DFV wine Cellars
Different size of lockers and cellars are available at DFV wine Cellars

Security control at DFV Wine Cellars

We aim at providing professional wine storage facilities & services to wine lovers in Hong Kong.

🔐 The only private wine storage in the hub of Kwun Tong within 10 mins walk from MTR. Free half-hour parking is provided to load and unload your wines
🔐 Constant temperature of wine cellar can be maintained by two-layered air-conditioning wine-storage system which is the first design in the world
🔐 24/7 Optimum wine storage environment with constant temperature of 13 - 15 °C and humidity control at around 70% humidity
🔐 Free 24-hour access to the wine storage cellars are allowed through dual access control system
🔐 Security is guaranteed by 24/7 CCTV, dual access control system and professional anti-theft devices
🔐 A wide range of wine cellar sizes to suit your personal needs, ranging from wine lockers for 144 bottles to private cellars for 180+ OWC

Want a wine cellar tour with us? Please feel free to call at +852 3596 5844; or whatsapp / wechat us at +852 6856 2491.

🔐 觀塘中心區唯一的私人酒窖, 距離地鐵站僅10分鐘路程, 並提供半小時免費泊車,方便您裝卸葡萄酒
🔐 全球首創雙層疏氣倉設計,令全倉內溫度平均
🔐 提供24/ 7最佳葡萄酒儲存環境,13-15°C恆溫,濕度控制在70%左右
🔐 通過雙門禁系統, 24小時自由進出本紅酒倉
🔐 通過24/7閉路電視, 雙重門禁系統、專業紅酒倉防盜設施,保安系統連接大型保安中心, 以確保安全
🔐 多種酒窖尺寸以滿足您的個人需要,無論是144枝裝的酒櫃, 還是容納180箱原木箱的葡萄酒儲藏室, 任君選擇

想參觀DFV紅酒倉嗎?歡迎隨時致電 +852 3596 5844; 或whatsapp /微信+852 6856 2491, 與我們聯絡。

