[Opus One - US X France Cult Wine] [美法結合的膜拜酒]

dfv fine wines
Opus One 2015

[Opus One - US X France Cult Wine]

Opus One was established by Robert Mondavi Winery and Chateau Mouton cooperatively. First vintage 1979 was produced under the effort of Lucien Sionneau (Mouton winemaker) and Timothy Mondavi (son of Robert Mondavi). To highlight the crossover of France and US. A Latin word “Opus” which are both understandable in both countries is used. 

作品一號由羅伯特·蒙大菲和武當酒莊合作成立,首個年份1979年是由Lucien Sionneau(武當釀酒師)和Timothy Mondavi(羅伯特·蒙大菲的兒子)的合力釀造的, 為了突顯美法合作,兩國都易於明白的拉丁文“Opus”最後被採用。

By: DFV fine Wines & Wine Cellars


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