Lynch Bages- Great potential to be 1st Growth 靚次伯 - 有潛力成為一級莊

drc fine wines
Lynch Bages 2013

[🎖Lynch Bages- Great potential to be 1st Growth]
Lynch Bages, transliterated from the name of a famous Cantonese opera artist in Hong Kong, is also known as “Lang Chi Bak” in Chinese. Cathay Pacific airline currently serves Lynch Bages to first-class passengers on its flights between Hong Kong and London. Despite classifying as 5th Growth, she performs even better than some 2nd Growth chateau in some bad vintages such as 1992 and 1993. For example, Rauzan Gassies 1992 is RP71 while Lynch Bages 1992 is RP86. No wonder Chateau ex-owner Jean Michael said Lynch Bages has great potential to be 1st Growth if there is renewal of 1855 classification. 

[🎖靚次伯 - 有潛力成為一級莊]
Lynch Bages,因譯音與香港一位粵劇紅伶相似,所以又名為「靚次伯」。國泰航空公司也用它作為香港-倫敦頭等倉的貴賓酒。儘管被評為五級莊,在一些不佳的年份,例如19921993,她的出品質數甚至比二級莊還要好, 例如露仙歌1988為羅伯特·派克71, 而靚次伯1988則有86分!難怪前酒莊莊主Jean Michael表示,如果重新釐定1855列級酒莊的分類,Lynch Bages絕對有潛力成為一級莊。

We have
靚茨伯      1978       8      1,000
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    1978       9      1,325
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 1.5L 1982   1      6,500
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 6L OWC 1986     1      20,000
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯      1989  12        2,750
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    1989       12    3,000
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯      1990       2      2,950
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯      1996       2      1,450
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    1996       18    1,500
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯      1997       1      900
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    2000       7      1,930
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    2002       12    980
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯      2003       3      1,230
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    2004       48    1,000
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 1.5L 2004   1      2,350
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    2006       6      980
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    2007       6      1,020
Lynch-Bages 靚茨伯 OWC    2013       252  755
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