🌟五星級酒莊 - 飛龍世家🐉 🌟Five-star winery - Phelan Segur🐉
Phelan Segur 1999 |
Chateau Phelan Segur was located in Bordeaux Saint Emilion. After several changes, it was owned by Gardinier family in 1985. Gardinier was a French winemaking family with strong financial background. Gardinier and his son valued the microclimate and soil quality, and determined to make the winery bloom again. With strong financial background, the family has upgraded most of the chateau's equipment, while adhering to the rigorous management style, Phelan Segur has finally become reputable. It was awarded a five-star winery by Robert Parker, and its quality far exceeded that of many 3rd, 4th and 5th growth chateaux. In 2003, it was selected by Decanter as one of the Top 50 World’s Best Value Reds.
飛龍世家位於波爾多聖埃美濃, 幾經轉手,1985年落入Gardinier家族手中, Gardinier是法國的釀酒世家,財力雄厚。Gardinier父子看中酒莊的微型氣候和優質土壤,決心令酒莊再展光輝,憑藉強大的財力後盾,Gardinier家族更新了酒莊大部分的設備,同時秉承嚴謹認真的管理作風,令酒莊成為廣受歡迎的佳釀。酒莊更獲Robert Parker評為五星級酒莊,品質遠超不少三、四、五级莊。2003年,更獲Decanter選為全世界最超值的五十大名酒之一。
Phelan Segur 飛龍世家 1999 150 $420
Phelan Segur 飛龍世家 2000 34 $510
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