Chateau Rieussec

dfv fine wines
Chateau Rieussec

in Bommes, village of Sauternes, Chateau Rieussec is adjacent to Chateau d’Yquem and is one of the top producers in Sauternes. In 1855, Chateau Rieissec was named as The 1855 Classification of Sauternes and Barsac Premier Cru. Until 1984, Chateau Rieussec was bought by Rothschild family and enter an era of rapid development. The popularity and quality are greatly enhanced. Rieussec has extreme high CP value. Chateau now also produces second wine Carmes de Rieussec and white wine R de Rieussec, which also have a very high CP value.

麗絲酒莊位於蘇玳邦姆村(Bommes),東面與滴金酒莊毗鄰,是蘇玳頂級酒莊之一。1855年,麗絲酒莊冠名為「蘇玳及巴薩克一級莊」。其後的百餘年間,酒莊數次易主,直到1984年,麗絲酒莊成為羅斯柴爾德家族產業之一, 並進入了一個高速發展時期, 亦大大提高了麗絲甜酒品質和聲譽。麗絲甜酒性價比高, 酒莊還出產副牌酒Carmes de Rieussec和R de Rieussec干白等酒款,同樣性價比極高。

Rieussec 麗絲甜正牌 OWC  2007     53    $310      RP92
Rieussec 麗絲甜正牌 OWC  2010     56    $350      RP91
Tel : +852 3596 5844
Whatsapp: +852 9149 1055
Wechat: +852 6856 2491

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