Dauzac – Bordeaux 5th Growth

dfv wine cellars
Dauzac 2006

Dauzac – Bordeaux 5th Growth
In the 1940s, Jean-Jacques Bernat, the owner of Chateau Duzac, being an ice maker, applied his knowledge of temperature control to the wine aging barrels. He placed ice cubes above the barrel. Duzac became one of the first wineries in Bordeaux which starts monitoring the temperature of the aging process (temperature control during wine aging was not widely used until the 1970s). Over the past few years, Duzac has invested EUR 3 million to completely renovate the winery facilities and the reception area of ​​the winery.

杜薩酒莊 - 波爾多五級莊
20世紀40年代,杜薩酒莊的莊主Jean-Jacques Bernat是製冰匠。他把自己對溫度控制的知識運用於釀酒缸,在酒缸上方放置冰塊。杜薩酒莊成為波爾多最早開始監測陳釀過程溫度的酒莊之一(陳釀過程中的溫度調節直至70年代才被廣泛應用)。過去數年間,杜薩酒莊投入了3百萬歐元的資金徹底翻新了釀酒設施和酒莊的接待區域。

We have庫存:
Dauzac杜薩 OWC 2006 $450 108 bottles available

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