Petrus – Rarest of the Rare 帕圖斯 – 稀世珍品 一瓶難求

DFV Fine Wines
Petrus 1983

👑帕圖斯 – 稀世珍品 一瓶難求
帕圖斯的葡萄園面積只有11.5公頃,70年代,帕圖斯每公頃可產出7000公升葡萄酒。不過,隨著帕圖斯對挑選葡萄的要求越來越嚴格,使得目前帕圖斯的產量幾乎減半,每公頃僅僅產出4000公升葡萄酒,因此每一年只有大約2500箱帕圖斯面世。帕圖斯是獲得《葡萄酒觀察家》雜誌滿分評價最多的酒莊,沒有之一! 這使帕圖斯成為收藏家們的目標清單之一!

👑Petrus – Rarest of the Rare
The vineyards of Petrus are only 11.5 hectares. In the 1970s, Petrus produced 7,000 liters of wine per hectare. However, with Petrus' stricter requirements for grape selection, the current production of Petrus is almost halved, producing only 4,000 liters of wine per hectare, so only about 2,500 cases of Petrus are available each year. Petrus is the winery who earns the most number of times of full marks rated by Wine Spectator. This makes Petrus become one of the collectors' target list!

☎ +852 3596 5844
📱 +852 6856 2491

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