布根地之后 Queen of Burgundy - Leroy

DFV Fine Wines
Leroy Collection

👸布根地之后 - Leroy

其實Leroy與DRC有著相當的淵源,DRC在過去數百年,基本是布根地紅酒的皇者,但皇者也有落難的時候。在上世紀四十年代,因為戰亂的關係,DRC曾經出現財困,結果在1942年出售了部分股權,當年的購入者就是Henri Leroy。Henri Leroy購入股權之後,投入了資金去更新酒莊的設備,結果酒質得到提升。在八十年代以前,一些DRC酒瓶上的標籤印有Leroy標籤,就是這個原因。

Domaine Leroy的葡萄樹的產量超低,通常是正常量的三分之一,假如一棵葡萄樹能產三串葡萄,Domaine Leroy的製作方法就會把其餘兩串葡萄剪掉,只留下一串,把營養全部供應在一串葡萄上。結果葡萄質量極高,釀成的酒果複雜而有層次。

👸Queen of Burgundy - Leroy
When it comes to Burgundy red wine, the first thing that comes to mind is the DRC, and the one that rivals DRC is Leroy. The former has a muscular king style, while the latter is like a queen full of elegance and finesse. Domaine Leroy’s vines production is extremely low, usually one-third of the normal vines. If a vine can produce three bunches of grapes, Domaine Leroy will cut two bunches off, leaving only one brunch, all nutrients go to the only bunch of grapes. Therefore, quality of grapes is extremely high, and the resulting wine is complex and layered.

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