


Bernard Magrez Mixed Case 🏆黑教皇莊主套裝 - 全球限量500套 套裝包括: Fombrauge 2014- RP89 La Tour Carnet 2014 - RP91 Pape Clement 2014 - RP94 🈹⬇ $2,600 (原價: $4,130) 黑教皇莊主Bernard Magrez與明星釀酒師Michel Rolland一起工作長達20年。在Michel Rolland既協助下,Bernard Magrez對完美有執著的追求, 旗下酒莊所釀造的葡萄酒尊重葡萄本身的水果的味道,亦能表達土地的獨特性。其中黑教皇白酒 2009 和黑教皇紅酒 2010均獲得到Robert Parker 100分,可Bernard Magrez的實力毋庸置疑。 🏆 Bernard Magrez Mixed Case – Limited to 500 set worldwide Set includes: Fombrauge 2014- RP89 La Tour Carnet 2014 - RP91 Pape Clement 2014 - RP94 ⬇ $2,600 (Original: $4,130) Pape Clement owner Bernard Magrez has worked with famed winemaker Michel Rolland for 20 years. With the assistance of Michel Rolland, Bernard Magrez's persistent pursuit of perfection, the wines produced by his wineries respect the fruitiness of the grapes and can also express the uniqueness of the terrior. Pape Clement Blanc 2009 and Pape Clement 2010 both scored 100 points for Robert Parker. Bernard Magrez's talent is undoubtable. ☎


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